Category Archives: Bios

Shinigami Stories—Judge’s Bios


Thanks to all the judges who made this contest happen. You guys are awesome.

Kaolin Fire

Kaolin Fire is a member of the visual search and mobile innovation team at A9. He’s been developing software independently since the days of DOOR games, not counting hours entering machine code from the back of COMPUTE!’s Gazette. He’s had fiction and poetry published in Strange Horizons, Crossed Genres, and Murky Depths, among others; has taught computer science at high school and college levels; dabbles in cover art and cover design; and obsesses about the human brain. He has a special place in his heart (and on his website) for the Tetris variants that he’s developed: — and his iOS apps at

Elizabeth Prybylski

Mrs. Prybylski has been in the publishing industry since 2010 and has worked with several indie publishers as well as having done freelance editing on many books. She has also been involved in typesetting and cover design for multiple novels while in the industry. She currently acts as the Editorial Director for Insomnia Publishing (

When Mrs. Prybylski is not editing she is writing, doing artwork, and playing violin or cello to entertain her tolerant husband and three cats.

Jon Strother

Jon Strother writes fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and slice of life. He founded the #FridayFlash Twitter meme, ran the website for neigh unto seven years (with the help of some very generous volunteers), and produced two collections of flash fiction for the Friday Flash community. He has had several pieces of short fiction published in various venues, and hopes to someday get his seven novellas and three plus novels edited to the point of publication quality. Until then he continues to write from the home he shares with his two daughters and insane Beagle, Max.

Edward Taylor

Hailing from the small college town of Newark, Delaware, E. A. Taylor splits his time between writing, computer psychology, and raising his two shoggoths with his thankfully understanding and patient wife Kelley. His works have appeared in several publications in both print and on the web including Morpheus Tales and The Were-Traveler. His exploits, failings, and misadventures can be found on his blog:  http://mylongroadoutofhell.blogspot.comor o​r in​ the eldritch tome known as the “Book of F​aces”:

Tim Tobin

Mr. Tobin holds a degree in mathematics from LaSalle University and is retired from L-3 Communications. His work appears in The Were-Traveler, James Ward Kirk Fiction – We Are Dust and Shadow, Kind of a Hurricane Press, Grey Wolfe Press, In Parentheses, River Poets Journal, Static Movement, Cruentus Libri Press, The Speculative Edge, Rainstorm Press, Twisted Dreams, The Rusty Nail, Whortleberry Press and various websites and ezines. Follow him on Twitter @TimTobin43.