Monthly Archives: September 2012

Alternate Zombie History Issue Update

“The Historical Undead: Alternate Zombie History” Drabble, Flash & Shorts (100 word Drabble; 1K to <;1500 word Flash; 1500 to 4K word Short Story; up to 35 lines Poetry; Articles 2k-3k, but negotiable). Deadline October 26th. Just in time for Hallo-scream!

Stories of zombies in alternate history settings. Such as George Washington crosses the Delaware with a boatload of undead. Stories can also be personal encounters in a historical setting, no famous people have to be in the story. But zombies need to be in the story. Have fun with it. Wrack your brains, but beware of zombies! Will also take poetry for this one, if you can write an alternate history zombie poem. Humor is also good, especially in the zombie genre. Put “ALTERNATE ZOMBIE HISTORY: SUBMISSION” in the submission email subject line. Also looking for articles on zombies in history, zombies in modern culture, etc. Will accept MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS for this issue.

I’ve updated the submission guidelines for this one. I would like a few drabbles (2-10) for this issue, and I’ve clarified that the stories don’t necessarily have to have famous people in them as long as the setting is alternate history. I’ve gotten a few good submissions along this line where the author in the submission email wasn’t sure if I was looking for this—I am. I am definitely looking for cool alternate history zombie stories where ordinary people are affected (or infected). Writers who can send me alternate history zombie pieces with historical people in it, however, give me a literary high and their stories are likely to be placed at the top of the zine in the table of contents, accordingly.

For zombie related articles, word count lengths from 2k-3k are acceptable. If you can write a shorter article, send it in. I am only going on the assumption that a word count of at least 2000 words makes for a decent article. If your article runs over 3k, send it in anyway. I may accept it, especially if it’s a new way of looking at zombies, or zombies and modern culture, is brilliant and exciting to read.

I also noted how many lines of poetry were acceptable for this. Nothing too long, and zombie humor is appreciated as well.

Questions or suggestions? Email me or comment to this post. I’m happy to answer questions or consider suggestions.